oH nO! tHiS wEeK wE hAvE bEeN cAuGhT bY tHe WoRd JuMbLeR! hE rEcEnTlY bEcAmE a DaD, sO tHe OnLy WaY oUt Is To FiGuRe OuT tHe PuNcHlInE tO hIs DaD jOkE! hOw AbOmInAbLe!
“What do you call a hunting mate that helps you track electromagnetic waves?”
Are you stumped? Have no fear! You are not without help! The letters to the answer are embedded in the following five words. All you have to do is solve the following puzzles to figure out your five hint words. Your clue will tell you how many letters are in each word, and which of the letters (the circled spots) are used in the punchline! Once you figure out the hints, unscramble the letters to figure out the punchline.
1) The field of study that analyzes the ways of the universe
2) A necessary quality of a particle that induces an electric field
3) A conserved quantity related to inertia
4) Quantum of electromagnetic energy
5) A force that drops off as the square of the distance away like electromagnetism
Once, you’ve solved those, you have all you need to figure out, “What do you call a hunting mate that helps you track electromagnetic waves?”
Think you’ve got it? Go ahead and enter your guess (all lowercase)!